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What to Expect In Our Session


Astrology Birth Chart Consultation w/ Numerology

Consultation Length: 80 Minutes

Price: $225*

*sliding scale available 

This consultation is a comprehensive breakdown of both your Natal Astrological Chart and also your Numerology Profile, (Life Path #, Expression #, Soul Urge #, Maturity #). We'll discuss the major Astrological Transits you're currently experiencing, your Annual Profection Year and subsequent Timelord, and how to best plan for the current and following years.  I'm a reader who loves to teach my clients to the best of my abilities about their charts: I want you to come away feeling both affirmed and empowered about how to best move forward on your path. 

Included w/ Session:

1. Downloadable Link to our Audio Session recording

2. Two Numerology Reports: Year-Ahead Report and Full Numerology Report

3. 2 Astrology Reports: Birth Chart Report and Upcoming Transits for the Year Report

Solar Return (Birthday) Consultation

Session Length: 80 minutes

Price: $225*

*sliding scale available

This consultation looks at a special chart that we can generate in Astrology known as your Solar Return chart.  The Solar Return chart is a chart that is generated at the time of your birthday, and it previews the upcoming year for you in terms of specific themes and patterns to be on the lookout for.  This consultation is most effective to book as close to your birthday as possible.  

Included w/ Session:

1. Downloadable link to our Audio Recording 

2. Solar Return Chart Report (14 pages)

3.  Predictive Astrology Report for Transits of the upcoming year (12 pages)


Saturn Return Reading

Session Length: 60 Minutes

Price: $185*

*sliding scale available

In this consultation, we'll explore do a deep dive into exploring the themes of your Saturn return.  Whether you're either approaching your Saturn return, currently within and navigating your Saturn return, or coming out and hoping to intergrate the lessons from your Saturn return, this reading is the perfect roadmap to help you navigate one of the most important Astrological transits of your life.

Included w/ Session:

1. Downloadable Link to our Audio Recording

2.  A detailed report that breaks down all of the information that we will have covered during our session.

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